Dios mio, it has been way too long since my last blog post (not technically - but so much has happened in just 5 dias)! Where to begin...
Enero 22 continued...
So like I said, after dinner a group of us gals (Terina, Danielle, Meira, Ellie, Wendy, Samantha, Jean, Maylin and I) decided to venture out to a local Jazz Cafe for the night. I am very glad I decided to go (I was already in my PJs when I found out some people were planning to go out and highly considered calling it a night) because it was amazinggggly fun! Not knowing exactly where it is (when we went to Chicago we all scoped out how far it was from our houses during the day so we felt comfortable walking there at night), I asked mis padres if they thought it was okay to walk there with Maylin - they gave me the go ahead, but told us to take a taxi home. About a 7 minute walk later, and we were greeted by a few others who had already arrived. Cover charge 3,000 colones, bracelet on my wrist, and went straight to the bar to get some drinks.
I decided to just go for it and ordered a Long Island Iced Tea - muy bien. Once everyone figured out which drink direction to go in (vodka, tequila, rum, etc.), we asked where our table was (Terina had made reservations for us, and it's good that she did because the place got packed quick)! At first, we were smushed against a wall and in between two other tables that made it impossible to get to the seats in the back (plus there were only six seats when we had nine girls), so Ellie worked her magic and got us moved to two tables right next to the stage.
However, we soon realized that no one would be sitting down during this show. The locals flooded in, all standing around the stage ready to dance and sing their asses off. Two long islands, part of daiquiri and cosmo later, I was up from my chair dancing along with them. The band was called Sonambulo Psicotropica, who played a mixture of psychedelic, afro, and latina rhythms that made it impossible not to enjoy yourself.
Everyone was in their own worlds, moving to the music however we wanted. At one point we were in the middle of the crowd and the band began a unified moment of yelling - just letting go of everything and screaming "ahhhhhhhh". It was a night to remember to say the least. I plan to return again (but next time not wearing a long sleeve shirt and jeans, so flippin hot). When I was told Jazz Cafe, I imagined sitting down and listening to some music - completely unexpected but incredible experience!
Around 12:30pm, we stuffed five of us in a taxi and headed home. After we exited the club I realized how badly my ears were ringing (and they continued to ring until I fell asleep), ticos don't mess around! Made it safe and sound back home, locked up the house, snatched cookies and some much needed water from the kitchen and went to my room to crash. I had no idea how I was going to wake up for the coffee tour the next morning with ICDS, but at least I had a great night.
Enero 23
Friday was the DOKA Estate Coffee Tour set up through ICDS. Met at the office around 8:30am (not too early, jaja), everyone claimed their spots on the bus and we were off. Soaked up some more gorgeous views, Lulu asked the bus driver to make a special stop along a mountainside close to the estate to take some photos, muy bonita.
We arrived at DOKA, ready to rumble. Even though it was early, the day was already warming up quite a bit.
We all were admiring the rainbow eucalyptus trees and the flowers, and also a pair of ox strapped to a very colorful cart (it was sad though because the ox could not move their heads without the other one having to move with it, I didn't take a picture of them, but Ellie drew a daily doodle of them which I hope she doesn't mind me sharing!).
Our (the ICDS group joined by some older couples from the UK and Ireland) tour guide began by telling/illustrating the growth process of a coffee plant. There are a lot of different steps that each take a big chunk of time, but let's just say it takes a lot longer than one would think to grow and see production from a coffee plant (if I remember correctly, it takes 4 years to see the first production). After this, he guided us through the various steps of harvesting the plants and told us about the labor involved. Sad state of affairs to say the least.
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The high quality coffee beans get sun dried. Must be raked every 45 minutes. |
80% of the labor force during the harvest season are migrant workers from Nicaragua. An awesome (like top notch) picker makes at most $40 a day, so probably average picker makes more along the lines of $20 or less a day. They get paid per basket of beans they pick - each basket, after peeling, is equivalent to 7 lbs. of coffee beans. They work 9 hour days, and the majority of this is during the hottest part of the day. The workers do get housing, and used to get schooling for their children on the plantation (not anymore), but they get paid in plastic tokens that can only be used at stores on/near the premises (one day a week they get paid in real money). It felt very awkward to be taking a tour and watching the migrant workers when we know the conditions they are working under. Maybe I am just assuming this, but unlike our group who pushed the topic to be discussed by the tour guide, I imagine most tourists who go on the tour do not even realize what really is happening there - exploitation of migrant workers.
At the end of the tour, we were dropped at the gift shop to spend all our money and sample all the coffee. It was madness trying to get to the coffee station, so I kind of hung back, snacked on a few chocolate covered coffee beans, then went outside to sit in the garden. The property was very beautiful, I'll give them that!
Soon it was lunch time - a buffet served at a restaurant at the estate. Ilana, Kip, Terina, and I were eager beavers and went straight there once we were told it was ready. Great food, and an awesomeeee sample (or two or three samples) of a coffee milkshake later, we were stuffed.
There was word of a butterfly garden around the corner from the restaurant, so everyone flocked their after their bellies couldn't handle any more food. Such a beautiful space, it wasn't very large, but it felt like a little wonderland. The pathways twisting and turning, going up and over all the flora, even had a little stream with a bridge! Butterflies fluttering about, mostly this beautiful type that has blue on the top side of their wings, and a pattern that looks like an owl's eye on the bottom. Also, there were some very large caterpillars on the trees that I almost didn't see because they were so well camouflaged!
About a half hour later, Lulu came to round us up to get back on the bus. On the bus ride home, the back of the bus bonded over puppies and food - the topic of favorite ice cream flavors came up and inevitably plans were made to go get some once we got back to the ICDS office.
Our destination was Glu Glu, a little ice cream shop near where Katie lives. We were all so excited after the walk up the hill, thinking that the inside of the ice cream shop would be air conditioned, but we were wrong. It was hot as balls in there (makes sense, they only need to keep the coolers for the ice cream cold, not the shop itself - but it made for a sweaty Jenna).
I was first to order (eager beaver strikes again!), "un cono pequeno con chocolate, por favor". She didn't understand me, so I asked Ilana to order for me thinking I was saying something wrong, she repeats the same thing and boom, the woman understood. Didn't quite understand why she didn't get it when I said it, but thinking back it may be because I do not say it confident enough - I'll try working on that.
Anyways, chowed down on the ice cream, stood around and chatted for a bit with the group before heading back in the direction of home with Maylin and Danielle. Discussed scuba diving a bit and went our separate ways. Since we were headed for the beach early the next day, I decided to just hang out at home and pack (ideally I was planning to do homework, but that didn't happen). My mama made pasta for dinner, so good! But on top of that, there was an incredible homemade refried black bean dip in the middle of the table (it is safe to say I had my fair share, and more). Full day and a full belly, it was time for bed.
Enero 24
Woke up at 6:30am - excited for our trip to the beach!
I am still proud that somehow we managed to plan a trip for 13 people on such short notice, and it was awesome. Yes, there were some kinks when it came to paying the bills for the hired van and hostel, but overall, it was another weekend filled with great, unexpected adventures.
We agreed that the bus would leave at 7:30am, which turned into 8:00am after figuring out the payment for the driver, but then we were headed for Jaco. The bus ride was filled with laughter and word games - one in particular named "Bobby's World" that took Wendy, Maylin, and I foreeeeever to understand. Everyone got a good laugh out of it. Basically you would say what can exist in Bobby's World, "boobs but not breasts", "trees but no leaves", "spelling but no english", "earrings but no ears", "teeth but no mouths", etc. etc. Probably to anyone who read those can already see the pattern/rule, but what can I say, it didn't seem quite as obvious when you can't figure it out for an hour (for those as ignorant as myself, words with double letters are allowed in Bobby's world, jaja).
About 20 minutes out from Jaco, our bus driver made a pit stop before a bridge that had some shops to get water and a snack, go to the bathroom, and last but not least - see some crocs! It was pretty cool, I think I counted 23 of those buggers.
Took some time to load up on some sunscreen, people bought some things at the shops, then we were back on the bus to our final destination. Once in Jaco, we didn't exactly know how to get to the hostel, Beds on Bohio (highly recommend it!), so our driver was nice enough to drive around the town for a bit until we located it. At first, he started going inland a bit farther from the shore than I anticipated so I got a little nervous, plus the area began to look a little dodgy, but then we worked our way back in and ended up within two blocks of the beachfront :)
The next hour was spent trying to figure out paying for the hostel and coordinating the rooms (two rooms with a queen bed each, and then two rooms with two fulls beds each; which, if you are keeping track, that only sleeps 12 people and we had 13. Due to the circumstances, Ilana, Ellie and I volunteered to sleep three in one of the queen bedrooms). The people before us had just checked out, so we had to wait a little while for two of the rooms to be cleaned - the hostel owners offered for us to leave our belongings in the bar area that was closed for the time being so we would have more beach time, but I do not think any of us were feeling comfortable enough with that to jump on the opportunity. Instead, as soon as one of the rooms were done being cleaned, we all dropped our things and started changing into our suits. Soon after, a group of us were beach bound, and a group of us were food bound.
Ignoring the obvious pattern of people setting up there things in the shade of the palms further back from the beach, we set up camp in the middle of the sand with no trees around. Ilana opted to watch our stuff while everyone ran for the water (so refreshing).
I realized very quickly that it was a mistake leaving my contacts in. Thinking I would just skip on back to the room to take them out, I went up to get my shoes from Ilana. But then it hit me that Terina (who had gone with the group in town to get food) had the key to the room everyone dropped their things in, including my bag with my contact case and solution (oops). So, no going under water for Jenna until I got a chance to get back to the room. Kip, Sam, and Jean rented some surfboards for the day ($10), so they went out to get some waves while others swam and sunbathed.
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Maylin, Danielle, Jean, and me. |
About an hour into beach time, Ilana and I were roasting and everyone was MIA, so we decided to make the executive decision to move everyone's belongings into the shade (thank goodness). After some more swimming and napping, the MIA group came back with some food, and Ellie offered me the rest of her french fries. Within two minutes, she went to ask me for one last frie, but I had already finished them :p it was time to get some food of my own in my belly. Sam, Kip, and I walked around town for a bit in search of some quesadillas. We ended up at a restaurant right next to our hostel, and met up with Ilana, Jean, and Stecy.
Walked back to the beach, and decided it was time to try surfing for the first time!
Super fun, but holy cow I have a whole new admiration for surfers. Full body workout folks (is it sad to say I am still sore?). I stood up twice, thanks to help from Sam! Around sunset, I handed off the board to Maylin and went in to enjoy the view from the beach (really I was just exhausted, jaja).
Ilana and Katie were the only ones there. I asked Ilana where everyone else was and she said some were in the water, and others went to get coconut water a few hours ago and never returned. Low and behold, they come walking up and tell us some interesting news - some of the gals got some new piercings, lol. One wasn't so bad, they got their belly button done, but guess what the other got pierced? I'll give you a hint, starts with an "n" and ends with an "ipples". OUCHHHH, I cringed and screamed for her when she told us haha, but I think Jean's reaction was the best.
After they broke the news, it was starting to get dark so everyone came back to gather their things and start heading back to the hostel. Katie wasn't feeling well and I had some tylenol in my bag, so Ilana and I went back with her a bit sooner than everyone else to get her some medicine. Sand was everywhere, so showers were next on the to do list. I hopped in to rinse off and was hit with some intense amounts of water (I didn't realize their was not shower head so it was like a stream coming out of a hose on full blast). A quick rinse and that was my shower. I then realized there were no bath towels, so forced to air dry in the middle of the room while standing on my sand covered beach towel (poor Katie and Ilana got a show, jaja). After a while of still being damp, I decided to just put on my clothes from earlier to soak up the rest of the water and pack my things up to take downstairs to Ilana, Ellie, and my room.
Everyone started rolling back to the hostel to get cleaned up and ready for the night.
Once I felt sufficiently dry, I threw on a dress (to make up for my lack of showering) and was ready to roll. A group of us decided to seek out a supermarket to make dinner instead of eating out.
We made it to the store, but couldn't decide on anything (I got a sloth beach towel and some water though), so we ended up stopping in Pizza Pata on the walk home for some quick satisfaction. It was roastinggggg inside the Pizza place. All of us immediately started dripping upon entrance, but the cashier was the happiest man in the world. He was part cashier, part DJ, singing and dancing all over the place as he took orders.
We got the pizza to go (even though Kip finished his before we even left the restaurant), and went back to the hostel to eat. The rest of the night, we sort of claimed this black sectional that was outside on the second floor, next to this awesome mural.
Ate our pizza and got some free drinks from the hostel's bar. Around 10pm, they stopped serving free drinks and I felt that we needed a little more alcohol for the night, so I put together an excursion to the liquor store to get a bottle of Capt. Morgan to tide us over. Some Coke was bought as well to accompany the rum, but it didn't get opened, jaja. When we got back from the store, everyone was hanging out on the sectional in the dark, just talking about life. Some other people who were staying at Beds on Bohio and even the hostel pups came up to join the party.
After some time, we walked to the beach. It was low tide so large expanses of the water were completely still on the sand with the surrounding lights reflecting off of it, so pretty. We wandering around a bit, saw a bonfire in the distance so naturally we wanted to join. We figured offering some rum would be a nice gesture, but once we got to the bonfire it ended up being a group of three little kids (LOL). We turned back around and walked in the direction of the hostel. At the end of our midnight beach walk, we were greeted by a 25 year old man from Denmark, in his underwear, being duct taped to a post by his 4 friends. Apparently in Denmark, if you are not married by the age of 25, this is what happens to you on your birthday. We all were intrigued so we just stood and around and watch it unfold. After taping the poor guy, they dumped a bag of ice (aka three big, solid hunks of ice) over his head, and then proceeded to pour packets of various spices over him (chicken teriyaki, cinnamon, salt, etc.). It was so strange, but so hilarious. We fed him some rum out of pity, then asked to take a photo with him - no one would believe us otherwise, jaja.
Confused and laughing about what just happened, we walked back to the hostel. Laid on the hammocks and bonded with Banana (one of the hostel dogs) for a bit while Ellie talked with a guy named Dave (who ironically went to CUNY Brooklyn College, small world).
I was feeling the need for a snack before bed, so Ilana, Ellie, our new friend Dave, and I went to a mini-market for some Doritos. Then it was time to hit the sheets. Our room had this very interesting painting in it (so naturally I had to take a photo). The artist had to be high while they were making it - a seascape with galaxies made from pizza and hamburgers, jaja.
It was a tight squeeze, but Ilana, Ellie and I all fit on our queen bed. The only problem was lack of pillows and blankets. Woke up in the middle of the night freezinggg. I was in shorts and a sports bra, and using my new sloth towel as a blanket, but when I woke up I frantically put on my pants and sweater, then used my dress from the night as an extra blanket!
First day of our weekend trip - success!
Enero 25
Second day was also a success :)
The night before, we had planned to get up and go for a morning walk on the beach around 8:30am. So Maylin, Kip, Ilana, Ellie and I walked to the right at Jaco for a good bit, enjoying the view.
I made another puppy friend. Eventually we turned around and went back to the hostel for breakfast, along the way saw an interesting squirrel doing a balancing act on the power lines. He had a very furry red body, then his tail and back were grayish black.
The hostel offered a $3 dollar breakfast option, so everyone ordered the tico breakfast - beans, rice and eggs. Plus, we all ordered smoothies - needed some refreshments, even at 9:30am it was hot hot hot. We finished eating, then everyone from the other rooms began to trickle down to eat, all packed and ready for checkout. Maylin and Kip were eager to start the day and not waste a minute of sunlight, but Ilana, Ellie and I were feeling a bit more lethargic. We laid in bed until checkout at 10:45am. After everyone was packed, groups started getting taxi's to go to Playa Hermosa for the day (about a 7 minute drive from Playa Jaco).
Found a nice spot (in the shade, not making the same mistake twice) and put all our stuff down. Kip and I sought out surfboard rental, but I held off on getting on until I could see if someone wanted to split it with me (there was no way I could do a whole day of surfing).
Other groups started arriving, we swam, played frisbee, got some sun, attempted to walk on the tightrope next to our spot, befriended some locals, got some eats, watched some Macaws, and soaked up all the day had to offer.
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Photo by Katie! |
One thing we didn't have in mind was the burning hot walk (sprint) in the sand to the water. For some reason, everyone decided to be brave and run to the water without their sandals, big big big mistake. It didn't seem so? bad going out, but coming back in I think we all screamed and cursed and ran to the closest towel or shadow in sight (it was freaking hot).
Also, while eating my quesadilla, I befriended yet another puppy :)
Our driver came to pick us up from Playa Hermosa around 4:00pm. Sand was everywhere (ick) and people were changing out of their suits (Terina accidentally flashed a truck driver, jaja). The bus ride home was a lottt quieter than the one there, everyone was tired out from the sun, just embracing the sunset view as we drove through the mountains.
We got back to San Jose around 6:40pm, I greeted my family, told them about my day. In desperate need of a shower, I asked if I could have dinner a bit later than usual - mi mama kindly agreed to wait until I was ready. Once I got off as much sand as I could and finally washed my hair, I went to the kitchen for dinner. Miss Universe was on the television, oy vey, jaja. It was interesting to see my host parents reactions to the broadcast - they seemed quite invested in it! Mi mama made me lentil soup with hot dog in it (so good). Tired from the weekend, I cleaned up and went to my room. Not ready for the class at 8:00am the next day!
Well - I have class in about an hour and gotta do some actual work for it, sooo I will stop my post here :) Details about Monday and Today will be up at a later date!
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